Porter, C. W., Strassburg, R., Bower, K., Bower, C.W., Ferrante, R. Frate, D. Advanced technology: Multi media in a large class. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science 1993; 33:300-302.
Darling, S.D., Bower, C. Molecular Visions. Videotape. Darling Models, Jan 1992.
Bower, C. The Effect of L-364,718, a CCK Antagonist, on Canine Pancreatic Autograft Exocrine Secretion. Unpublished paper. May 1992.
Park, S., Darling, S. and Bower, C. Recent studies of Diels-Alder reactions using high resolution NMR. Paper presented at The American Chemical Society 1991 Joint Central - Great Lakes Regional Meeting, Indianapolis, 1991.
Bower, K., Porter, C., Bower, C., and Strassburg, R. Advanced technology lecture hall. Installation and startup. Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Education, Atlanta, Aug. 1990.
Bower, C., Frate, D. Principles of Chemistry Laboratory Experiments. Videotape series. The University of Akron Chemistry Department, Aug-Nov 1990.